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How to sell your story

Press trips are expensive and development issues seem remote to many media houses. So how do you go about striking a deal?

The first step is to convincingly introduce your story idea and yourself.

Big media houses don’t usually buy stories from novices, so present yourself and your work experience and provide samples of your work. It’s worthwhile gaining experience by working for student, local, and in-house papers and magazines and other small-scale media.

Be clear about your idea: why exactly should this story be told? Think about its newsworthiness. The story must be relevant and interesting, and it should have something new or give a new angle on an issue.

It’s important to check how domestic media has already covered the topic and the sources and angles used. You’ll get fresh perspectives on an issue by being in touch with other journalists in the country concerned, as local counterparts are best informed about topical and interesting subjects.

Make sure you have done some networking well before you travel. That way you’ll also be sure of support if you run into problems. You can also get help in the field from a fixer, a local who can help you navigate an unfamiliar culture.

Contact media in your country before you travel. Check out the sorts of stories they run, their target groups, and the sort of language style they use. Package your offer specifically for a particular media. Don’t rely on email, but phone and if possible visit them. If you can arrange a five-minute meeting, it will work out as 20 minutes in practice.

Usually, only regular contributors get a prior agreement for a story. Be prepared for the fact that media may not want to buy your story, at least not without changes.

Once you’ve established a working relationship, hold on to it. Stick to deadlines and the requested word/character limits. That way you’ll be able to create a long-lasting relationship as a contributor.

What sorts of story attracts interest?

People and their stories are often easier to sell than big political subjects. What sort of person can you feature to illuminate your topic? How, for instance, is climate change reflected in particular in this person’s life? How and what does your lead character feel, view things, think about?

When you’ve worked out your focus, you can provide the background, not forgetting to include some surprising facts. There’s no need to highlight a domestic context, but editors usually look for something that a domestic audience can relate to. A compatriot working in the country you’re visiting might be of unexpected interest to an editor.

When you are in the field, put your plans aside for a moment and focus on intuiting, listening, and looking at what’s happening around you. You may discover a new, interesting topic that hasn’t occurred to your colleagues at home.

Write notes on all your impressions. They may be invaluable in writing and adding depth to your story when you’re back home.

Specialisation is a great help to journalists. To create your own added value for the media, it’s important that you know your subject well. By closely monitoring certain topics you’ll get to know what is newsworthy.

What about photos?

If you’re writing for a paper or magazine and travel on assignment with a photographer, there’s a risk that the photographer’s particular style won’t suit the publication. Make sure beforehand that you’re on the same page as the commissioning editor. You may be able to sell the story without photos.

If you know what you’re doing, you can take photos yourself and sell them. Take photos of interviewees, as they may be used as supplementary photos, even if the main photos are bought from a professional photographer.

Media are making increasing use of video, so see if you can make a prior agreement to include video material with your story. But there are tough quality requirements for video. Pay attention to sound quality. Smartphone cameras are nowadays excellent but their microphones are not. Luckily, button microphones don’t cost much.

Getting funds

If you are visiting developing countries, you won’t usually make a financial profit. However, experience will give you not only general knowledge but also experience and contacts for the future.

Apply for funding from a range of sources. Don’t rely on just one media but try to get others to commission you. But avoid doing the same stories for different media.

The Foreign Ministry, NGOs and foundations provide grants and arrange press trips to developing countries. The journalists union or association in your country will have details about them and send out circulars about grants.

Many destinations have travel promotion bureaus that arrange press trips. But bear in mind that a funder always has an agenda. Don’t let that steer your article writing.


Esa Salminen, a specialist in development issues, provided advice on these recommendations. They also draw on the presentations given by Helsingin Sanomat foreign correspondent Jukka Huusko and Suomen Kuvalehti journalist Katri Merikallio to the journalists’ training course organised by the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation (KVS) and the Finnish Foundation for Media and Development (Vikes), held in Helsinki in September 2017.

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